Jamie Lee Dickman Pro Painting & Deck Restoration is one of the area’s premier professional painting services. They are fully insured, and is a full time service with scores of 5 star ratings from happy clients.
There may be a lot of options for painting services in the area, but not everyone has a passion for quality and customer service like Jamie. Hard work and treating people fairly has been a key to his success.
We had a chance to catch up with the owner and somewhat St. Cloud famous, 🙂 Jamie Dickman to find out more about his expanding business.
DD: Thank you for taking the time to speak to me today Jamie. First off, can you give everyone a little background on your business experiences and what lets you pursue your passion for painting?
JD: Hi Dan, thanks for having me. I started off buying mobile homes – rehabbing/renting them when I was 16 in my home town of Little Falls (I did have to put them in my Dad’s name to start for legal purposes). I moved to St. Cloud and continued with Real Estate until purchasing a bar in my mid 20’s. I added a limousine service and taxi company to compliment the bar business.
DD: Tell me a little more about your business, and some of the painting services you offer?
JD: I’ve been painting professionally for 7 years, and absolutely love helping my clients turn their houses into homes. I’ve been in customer service my whole adult life and I bring that attitude to everyone we come in contact with painting. We also offer handyman services and pressure washing.
DD: Your business name stated you also do deck restoration. Can you elaborate a little more on what that all involves?
JD: Deck restoration can be as simple as a quick pressure washing or as in depth as replacing rotten boards or even removing a stair system, but most are basic – pressure wash, light sand, stain – which most people hate to do, and I believe that’s called job security.
DD: What is your area radius that you service?
JD: We work mostly within a 30-mile radius of the St Cloud area (but there are always special circumstances).
DD: You had mentioned to me in the past that you have worked with a lot of realtors in the area with great success. What do you think separates you from others when it comes to the services you provide?
JD: Yes, realtors are a huge part of my success. We work closely with about 10 of the area’s top realtors and would like to especially thank Paul Morrison of ReMax Results for all of his help and support from day 1.
DD: What do you think separates you from others when it comes to your services you provide?
JD: I believe our commitment to customer service at every level is what sets us apart. We also offer no deposits and deferred payments until their house sells (realtors love this service).
DD: When you are not painting, what are some things you enjoy doing with your free time?
JD: When I’m not painting, family and friends get most of my attention. I still play softball, pool league and I have a great time just grabbing a beer with good friends.
DD: Finally, do you have any expert painting tips you could provide for homeowners ?
JD: Painting tip … spend the money on a good brush!!
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